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All Clinical Trials for diethylstilbestrol

Trial ID Title Status Sponsor Phase Start Date Summary
NCT00136526 ↗ Docetaxel and Diethylstilbestrol in the Treatment of Androgen Independent Prostate Cancer Completed Sanofi Phase 2 2002-12-01 This study is for men who have prostate cancer that has spread outside of the prostate gland and is no longer responding to hormone removal therapy. This study is designed to determine if a new drug combination will help to control the cancer. The medicines being used, docetaxel and diethylstilbestrol (DES), have been given to patients with prostate cancer and each drug has demonstrated activity in prostate cancer, either used alone or in other combinations. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of this drug combination on the prostate cancer and its response to disease progression.
NCT00136526 ↗ Docetaxel and Diethylstilbestrol in the Treatment of Androgen Independent Prostate Cancer Completed University of Washington Phase 2 2002-12-01 This study is for men who have prostate cancer that has spread outside of the prostate gland and is no longer responding to hormone removal therapy. This study is designed to determine if a new drug combination will help to control the cancer. The medicines being used, docetaxel and diethylstilbestrol (DES), have been given to patients with prostate cancer and each drug has demonstrated activity in prostate cancer, either used alone or in other combinations. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of this drug combination on the prostate cancer and its response to disease progression.
NCT00316927 ↗ Dexamethasone, Aspirin, and Diethylstilbestrol in Treating Patients With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Prostate Cancer Completed St. Bartholomew's Hospital Phase 3 2002-12-01 RATIONALE: Giving dexamethasone together with aspirin and diethylstilbestrol may be effective in lowering prostate-specific antigen levels and may slow or stop the growth of prostate cancer. It is not yet known which schedule of dexamethasone, aspirin, and diethylstilbestrol is more effective in treating prostate cancer. PURPOSE: This randomized phase III trial is studying dexamethasone and aspirin when given together with two different schedules of diethylstilbestrol to compare how well they work in treating patients with locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer.
NCT02017197 ↗ Therapeutic Equivalence Between Branded and Generic WARFArin Tablets in Brazil Completed Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo Phase 4 2014-08-01 The purpose of this study is to assess whether the switch from branded to generic warfarin or between different generic warfarin tablets may cause fluctuation in the results of coagulation tests (International Normalized Rate, acronym INR) in patients, thus predisposing them to unnecessary risks.
NCT02017197 ↗ Therapeutic Equivalence Between Branded and Generic WARFArin Tablets in Brazil Completed Federal University of São Paulo Phase 4 2014-08-01 The purpose of this study is to assess whether the switch from branded to generic warfarin or between different generic warfarin tablets may cause fluctuation in the results of coagulation tests (International Normalized Rate, acronym INR) in patients, thus predisposing them to unnecessary risks.
NCT02217566 ↗ Study of Abiraterone Acetate in Participants With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC), Chemo-Naive, Who Received a Prior Diethylstilbestrol Therapy Completed Janssen Research & Development, LLC Phase 2 2014-09-23 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy, based on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) progression, of abiraterone acetate in participants with metastatic (spread of cancer cells from one part of the body to another) castration (any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which a male loses the functions of the testes) resistant prostate cancer (cancer in prostrate; a gland that makes fluid that aids movement of sperm) (mCRPC), chemo-naive (treatment of cancer is not done using drugs), who received a prior diethylstilbestrol therapy (DES).
>Trial ID >Title >Status >Phase >Start Date >Summary

Clinical Trial Conditions for diethylstilbestrol

Condition Name

Condition Name for diethylstilbestrol
Intervention Trials
Prostate Cancer 2
Atrial Fibrillation 1
Menopause 1
Pre Menopause, Peri Menopause, Post Menopause, Menopause 1
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Condition MeSH

Condition MeSH for diethylstilbestrol
Intervention Trials
Prostatic Neoplasms 3
Atrial Fibrillation 1
[disabled in preview] 0
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Clinical Trial Locations for diethylstilbestrol

Trials by Country

Trials by Country for diethylstilbestrol
Location Trials
Brazil 2
United Kingdom 1
United States 1
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Trials by US State

Trials by US State for diethylstilbestrol
Location Trials
Alabama 1
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Clinical Trial Progress for diethylstilbestrol

Clinical Trial Phase

Clinical Trial Phase for diethylstilbestrol
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Phase 4 1
Phase 3 1
Phase 2 2
[disabled in preview] 1
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Clinical Trial Status

Clinical Trial Status for diethylstilbestrol
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Completed 4
Recruiting 1
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Clinical Trial Sponsors for diethylstilbestrol

Sponsor Name

Sponsor Name for diethylstilbestrol
Sponsor Trials
Sanofi 1
University of Washington 1
St. Bartholomew's Hospital 1
[disabled in preview] 3
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Sponsor Type

Sponsor Type for diethylstilbestrol
Sponsor Trials
Other 6
Industry 2
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