Pharmaceutical Portfolio Management Reading List

Copyright © DrugPatentWatch. Originally published at

Make Better Decisions: Finding and Evaluating Generic and Branded Drug Market Entry Opportunities

Make Better Decisions: Finding and Evaluating Generic and Branded Drug Market Entry OpportunitiesMake Better Decisions answers the following questions to help you make the most of drug patent intelligence:

  • When will key drug patents expire?
  • How can I write stronger patents?
  • How can I defeat drug patents?
  • How can I find, evaluate, and plan for generic market entry opportunities?
  • How can I find proprietary out-of-court settlements and deal terms?


Portfolio, Program, and Project Management in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries

This book describes the way that pharmaceutical projects and programs are currently managed, and offers views from many highly experienced practitioners from within the industry on future directions for drug program management. The book integrates portfolio, program, and project management processes as fundamental for effective and efficient drug product development. Contributing expert authors provide their view of how the projectization approach can be taken forward by the drug industry over the coming years.

Pharmaceutical Lifecycle Management: Making the Most of Each and Every Brand

Offering a truly immersive introduction to LCM options for pharmaceuticals, the book incorporates numerous real-life case studies that demonstrate successful and failed lifecycle management initiatives, explaining the key takeaway of each example. Filled with practical information on the process of actually writing and presenting an LCM plan, as well as how to link corporate, portfolio, and individual brand strategies, the book also offers a look ahead to predict which LCM strategies will continue to be effective in the future.

Pharmaceutical Project Management (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Encompassing the full spectrum of project management’s role and responsibility encountered in the pharmaceutical industry, Pharmaceutical Project Management outlines the key objectives, risks, and challenges of each stage of the pharmaceutical lifecycle, from discovery and preclinical phases through clinical development, manufacturing, registration, and launch.

Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Project Management in a Changing Global Environment

This book explores some of the critical forces at work today in the complex endeavour of pharmaceutical and medical product development. Written by experienced professionals, and including real-world approaches and best practice examples, this new title addresses three key areas – small molecules, large molecules, and medical devices – and provides hard-to-find, consolidated information relevant to and needed by pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device company managers.

Building Biotechnology

 Building Biotechnology helps readers understand the business of biotechnology, how to start and manage biotechnology companies, and how to better service the needs of biotechnology companies. This acclaimed book describes the convergence of scientific, political, regulatory, and commercial factors that drive the biotechnology industry and define its scope.

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