Upcoming workshop on generic portfolio management

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Copyright © DrugPatentWatch. Originally published at https://www.drugpatentwatch.com/blog/

I’ll be leading a workshop on generic portfolio management, and also giving a talk, at the 14th annual Marcus Evans event on Portfolio Planning and Partnerships for Generics.

The event will focus on maximizing portfolio success via strategic licensing, partnerships and lessons learned throughout and post pandemic while navigating pricing and competition.

My workshop will address the following topics:

Opportunity and Approaches for Smaller Companies to Create a High Value Portfolio in the Highly Competitive Generics Market
– Implementing a portfolio management system for a more selective selection of products
– Managing the portfolio with only limited resources
– Evaluating the products in terms of their value
– Reducing the financial risks of a wrong selection
– Comparing Tools and Technologies
– Measuring the ROI
– Focusing on new, specialized products such as biosimilars
– Using the advantages of the fast-changing market, accelerated through COVID- 19 and the increasing sensitivity of patients

My talk will focus on case studies in Finding and Evaluating Generic Entry Opportunities
– Identifying generic entry entry opportunities at early stage
– Discovering opportunities that avoid litigation
– Packaging as a competitive edge
– Partnering with brands

The conference will run online from September 22-23rd, 2021.

You can learn more and sign up at https://marcusevans.com/conferences/14thgenerics


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