Investigational Drug Information for Ortataxel
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What is the development status for investigational drug Ortataxel?
Ortataxel is an investigational drug.
There have been 4 clinical trials for Ortataxel.
The most recent clinical trial was a Phase 2 trial, which was initiated on January 1st 2002.
The most common disease conditions in clinical trials are Lung Neoplasms, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung, and Kidney Neoplasms. The leading clinical trial sponsors are Theradex, National Cancer Institute (NCI), and Roswell Park Cancer Institute.
Summary for Ortataxel
US Patents | 0 |
International Patents | 0 |
US Patent Applications | 1,236 |
WIPO Patent Applications | 890 |
Japanese Patent Applications | 330 |
Clinical Trial Progress | Phase 2 (2002-01-01) |
Vendors | 17 |
Recent Clinical Trials for Ortataxel
Title | Sponsor | Phase |
An Efficacy Study Of Ortataxel In Recurrent Glioblastoma | Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research | Phase 2 |
BAY 59-8862 in Treating Patients With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer | National Cancer Institute (NCI) | Phase 2 |
BAY 59-8862 in Treating Patients With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer | Roswell Park Cancer Institute | Phase 2 |
Clinical Trial Summary for Ortataxel
Top disease conditions for Ortataxel
Top clinical trial sponsors for Ortataxel
US Patents for Ortataxel
Drugname | Patent Number | Patent Title | Patent Assignee | Estimated Expiration |
>Drugname | >Patent Number | >Patent Title | >Patent Assignee | >Estimated Expiration |