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Last Updated: September 1, 2024


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All Clinical Trials for BEXSERO

Trial ID Title Status Sponsor Phase Start Date Summary
NCT02491463 ↗ A Study to Assess the Safety, Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Biologicals' RSV Investigational Vaccine (ChAd155-RSV) (GSK3389245A) in Healthy Adults Completed GlaxoSmithKline Phase 1 2015-07-23 The purpose of this first time in human (FTiH) study is to assess the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of 2 doses of the RSV investigational vaccine, when administered intramuscularly according to a 0, 1 month schedule, in healthy adults aged 18 to 45 years.
NCT03636906 ↗ Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Investigational Vaccine in Infants Aged 6 and 7 Months Likely to be Unexposed to RSV Completed GlaxoSmithKline Phase 1 2019-04-08 The purpose of this study is to provide critical information on the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity profile of the investigational recombinant chimpanzee adenovirus Type 155-vectored RSV (ChAd155-RSV) vaccine in infants likely to be unexposed to RSV, and will assess a single lower dose and a higher two dose regimen, before moving to future studies. This study will also assess if there is a risk of 'vaccine-induced enhanced RSV disease' after vaccination of these infants with the ChAd155-RSV vaccine.
NCT04318548 ↗ Study to Assess the Immunogenicity and Safety of GSK's Meningococcal Group B Vaccine When Administered Concomitantly With GSK's Meningococcal MenACWY Conjugate Vaccine in Healthy Subjects of 16-18 Years of Age Not yet recruiting GlaxoSmithKline Phase 3 2020-05-04 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the immunogenicity, safety and tolerability of rMenB+OMV NZ and MenACWY vaccines when concomitantly administered to healthy subjects 16-18 years of age.
NCT04502693 ↗ Study to Assess Effectiveness of GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK's) Meningococcal Group B and Combined ABCWY Vaccines in Healthy Adolescents and Young Adults. Not yet recruiting GlaxoSmithKline Phase 3 2020-08-14 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of 2 doses or 3 doses of GSK's licenced meningococcal group B Bexsero (rMenB+OMV NZ) vaccine and of 2 doses of GSK's investigational combined meningococcal (MenABCWY) vaccine (GSK3536819A) in healthy adolescents and young adults. The immunogenicity and safety will also be evaluated in the study.
NCT04597424 ↗ Combined Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Men Who Have Sex With Men and Using Oral Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate/ Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Recruiting ANRS, Emerging Infectious Diseases Phase 3 2021-01-19 The study ANRS 174 Doxyvac is a clinical trial that will use Combined Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Men Who Have Sex with Men and using oral TDF/FTC for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and vaccination with Bexsero.
NCT04597424 ↗ Combined Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Men Who Have Sex With Men and Using Oral Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate/ Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Recruiting French National Institute for Health and Medical Research-French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (Inserm-ANRS) Phase 3 2021-01-19 The study ANRS 174 Doxyvac is a clinical trial that will use Combined Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Men Who Have Sex with Men and using oral TDF/FTC for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and vaccination with Bexsero.
NCT04645966 ↗ A Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of MenABCWY in Healthy Infants Recruiting Pfizer Phase 2 2020-11-26 The aim of the study is to describe the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of MenABCWY in healthy infants 2 and 6 months of age.
>Trial ID >Title >Status >Phase >Start Date >Summary

Clinical Trial Conditions for BEXSERO

Condition Name

Condition Name for BEXSERO
Intervention Trials
Infections, Meningococcal 2
Respiratory Synctial Virus Infections 1
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections 1
Risk-Taking 1
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Condition MeSH

Condition MeSH for BEXSERO
Intervention Trials
Infections 3
Meningococcal Infections 3
Infection 2
Virus Diseases 2
[disabled in preview] 0
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Clinical Trial Locations for BEXSERO

Trials by Country

Trials by Country for BEXSERO
Location Trials
United States 15
Spain 7
Canada 3
Brazil 2
Greece 2
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Trials by US State

Trials by US State for BEXSERO
Location Trials
Kentucky 2
Idaho 2
North Carolina 1
Utah 1
Tennessee 1
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Clinical Trial Progress for BEXSERO

Clinical Trial Phase

Clinical Trial Phase for BEXSERO
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Phase 4 1
Phase 3 4
Phase 2 2
[disabled in preview] 3
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Clinical Trial Status

Clinical Trial Status for BEXSERO
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Not yet recruiting 4
Recruiting 4
Completed 2
[disabled in preview] 0
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Clinical Trial Sponsors for BEXSERO

Sponsor Name

Sponsor Name for BEXSERO
Sponsor Trials
GlaxoSmithKline 5
ANRS, Emerging Infectious Diseases 1
French National Institute for Health and Medical Research-French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (Inserm-ANRS) 1
[disabled in preview] 4
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Sponsor Type

Sponsor Type for BEXSERO
Sponsor Trials
Industry 7
Other 4
[disabled in preview] 0
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