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All Clinical Trials for FANSIDAR

Trial IDTitleStatusSponsorPhaseStart DateSummary
NCT00158574 ↗ Kilimanjaro IPTi Drug Options Trial Completed Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tanzania Phase 2/Phase 3 2005-01-01 Malaria and anaemia are major causes of morbidity and mortality in children in sub-Saharan Africa. Administration of three courses of sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP) as intermittent preventive treatment (IPTi) to infants when they receive EPI vaccines reduced the incidence of malaria and anaemia in infants in an area with low SP resistance, low transmission pressure and high bednet use. However, it is not clear whether this observation can be generalised to areas with high transmission and high SP resistance. The mechanism of the protective effect of IPTi is unclear. There is an urgent need to identify other anti-malarial drugs that could be used for IPTi instead of SP. This study objectives are: 1. Identification of a drug that could be used safely and effectively for IPTi instead of SP in areas, such as north eastern Tanzania, where there is a high level of resistance to SP and amodiaquine. 2. Determination of whether a short acting antimalarial drug (Lapdap) is as effective as a long acting drug (mefloquine) when used for IPTi. 3. Investigation of the effect of the intensity of transmission on the requirements for a long or short acting drug for IPTi. 4. Assessment of the effect of IPTi on the development of clinical immunity in children in low and high transmission areas. A randomised trial with four treatment regimes is proposed which will be conducted in two different transmission settings. The four treatment regimens are as follows: (1) placebo; (2) mefloquine; (3) Lapdap; (4) SP. All medications will be given at the time of immunisation with DPT/polio 2, DPT/polio 3, and measles vaccines. The study will involve 1280 infants in a high endemic area and 2440 infants in a low endemic area, in Tanzania.The primary outcome is the incidence of clinical malaria.
NCT00158574 ↗ Kilimanjaro IPTi Drug Options Trial Completed National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania Phase 2/Phase 3 2005-01-01 Malaria and anaemia are major causes of morbidity and mortality in children in sub-Saharan Africa. Administration of three courses of sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP) as intermittent preventive treatment (IPTi) to infants when they receive EPI vaccines reduced the incidence of malaria and anaemia in infants in an area with low SP resistance, low transmission pressure and high bednet use. However, it is not clear whether this observation can be generalised to areas with high transmission and high SP resistance. The mechanism of the protective effect of IPTi is unclear. There is an urgent need to identify other anti-malarial drugs that could be used for IPTi instead of SP. This study objectives are: 1. Identification of a drug that could be used safely and effectively for IPTi instead of SP in areas, such as north eastern Tanzania, where there is a high level of resistance to SP and amodiaquine. 2. Determination of whether a short acting antimalarial drug (Lapdap) is as effective as a long acting drug (mefloquine) when used for IPTi. 3. Investigation of the effect of the intensity of transmission on the requirements for a long or short acting drug for IPTi. 4. Assessment of the effect of IPTi on the development of clinical immunity in children in low and high transmission areas. A randomised trial with four treatment regimes is proposed which will be conducted in two different transmission settings. The four treatment regimens are as follows: (1) placebo; (2) mefloquine; (3) Lapdap; (4) SP. All medications will be given at the time of immunisation with DPT/polio 2, DPT/polio 3, and measles vaccines. The study will involve 1280 infants in a high endemic area and 2440 infants in a low endemic area, in Tanzania.The primary outcome is the incidence of clinical malaria.
NCT00146718 ↗ Anti-Malarial Drug Resistance in Cameroon Completed University of Yaounde Phase 2/Phase 3 2003-08-01 The project is a three-armed study designed to evaluate the efficacy of amodiaquine(AQ), sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine(SP) and(AQ+SP) in three sites in Cameroon that differ in their baseline characteristics for malaria. In addition, drug resistance will be determined by measurement of blood drug levels,and identification of molecular markers of resistance.
NCT00146718 ↗ Anti-Malarial Drug Resistance in Cameroon Completed London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Phase 2/Phase 3 2003-08-01 The project is a three-armed study designed to evaluate the efficacy of amodiaquine(AQ), sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine(SP) and(AQ+SP) in three sites in Cameroon that differ in their baseline characteristics for malaria. In addition, drug resistance will be determined by measurement of blood drug levels,and identification of molecular markers of resistance.
NCT00065390 ↗ Pyrimethamine to Treat Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome Completed National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Phase 1 2003-07-01 This study will examine whether the drug pyrimethamine can shrink lymph nodes and spleen in patients with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS). In this disease, lymphocytes (white blood cells) do not die as they normally would. As a result, patients have enlarged lymph glands, spleen, or liver, and other problems that may involve blood cell counts and autoimmune disease (overactivity of the immune system). Pyrimethamine is an orally administered antibiotic that has been used to treat or prevent malaria and toxoplasma, and may be effective in shrinking lymph nodes and spleen. Patients with ALPS who are between 2 and 70 years of age and have had lymph gland enlargement for at least 1 year may be eligible for this study. Candidates will be screened with a medical history and physical examination, blood tests, and possibly a bone marrow test. Females of reproductive age will be screened with a urine pregnancy test. Women who are capable of becoming pregnant must use an effective method of birth control during the entire study period, because, taken during early months of pregnancy, pyrimethamine can cause birth defects in the fetus. Women who are pregnant or nursing are excluded from the study. Participants will undergo the following tests and procedures: - CT scan: For this test, the patient lies still in the CT scanner while images are taken of the neck, chest, and stomach area. A contrast dye is injected into a vein to brighten the CT images. Very young children will be evaluated on a case by case basis to determine whether a CT scan will be performed. - Bone marrow biopsy: Participants undergo this test to rule out underlying bone marrow disease if they have not had a bone marrow test done in the last six months prior to enrolling in pyrimethamine study, as pyrimethamine can affect bone marrow function. Under local anesthesia, a needle is inserted into the back part of the hipbone and a small amount of marrow is removed. (Children are sedated for this test.) - Leukapheresis: This is a procedure for collecting a small proportion of circulating white blood cells while conserving the majority of blood cells. Specifically, blood is drawn from a needle placed in an arm vein and is directed into a cell separator machine, which separates the blood cells by spinning. A small proportion of circulating white cells are removed, and the red cells, platelets, plasma and majority of white cells are returned to the patient's blood circulation. Only patients who are 7 years of age or older and weigh at least 55 pounds undergo this procedure. Other participants who choose not to have apheresis will have about 3 tablespoons of blood drawn instead. - Pyrimethamine administration: When the above tests are completed, participants begin taking pyrimethamine. The dose is determined according to the individual's weight and is gradually increased during the study period. Patients take the drug twice a week for a total of 12 weeks. - Blood tests: Blood samples are collected during weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 after beginning treatment, and 2 weeks after the last dose of pyrimethamine. The purpose of these blood tests is to check for possible drug-related side effects. Patients who develop a skin rash, mouth sores or other side effects may have one or more doses of the treatment drug withheld. When indicated, the patient will be directed to stop taking the study drug. If needed, drug side effects will be treated with a vitamin supplement, folinic acid, taken by mouth, 3 times weekly. - Evaluations at the NIH Clinical Center will comprise of a pretreatment visit, one end of treatment visit at the end of 12 weeks and an optional post-treatment visit 3months after stopping pyrimethamine therapy. Patients who respond well to treatment may be asked to return to NIH for additional visits at 3, 6, and 12 months after the treatment has ended for repeat evaluations. If their lymph glands or spleen become much larger after stopping pyrimethamine, they will be offered treatment for another 12 weeks. If they respond to the second course of treatment, they will return to NIH again after 3, 6, and 12 months. If the symptoms return again, patients will be asked to resume treatment for an additional 6 months or more. They will have blood drawn periodically by their private physician and will return to NIH for evaluation every 12 weeks.
NCT00013689 ↗ Pyrimethamine and Sulfadoxine for Treatment of Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome Completed National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Phase 1 2001-03-01 This study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an antibiotic called Fansidar on autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS). Patients with ALPS have enlarged lymph glands, spleen and/or liver, abnormal blood cell counts and overactive immune function. Current treatments are aimed at suppressing the immune system and improving symptoms, such as anemia (low red blood cell count) and low white blood cell and platelet counts. These treatments, however, are only partially effective and may have complications. Fansidar is a combination of two drugs, sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine, that is used to treat or prevent parasitic infections such as malaria. Recently a child with ALPS who was treated with Fansidar for a different illness had a marked shrinkage of the lymph organs. This study will examine whether Fansidar can shrink the lymph glands or spleen in patients with ALPS. Patients with ALPS between the ages of 4 and 70 years who have had lymph gland enlargement for at least 1 year and are not allergic to sulfa drugs may be eligible for this study. Candidates will be screened with a medical history and physical examination and blood tests. Females of reproductive age will have a urine pregnancy test. Participants will be evaluated at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD, with blood tests and a computed tomography (CT) scan of the lymph nodes. For the CT scan, the patient lies on a table during an X-ray scan of the neck, part of the chest, and, if the spleen has not been removed, the stomach area. When these baseline tests are completed, patients will be given Fansidar pills to take once a week for 12 weeks. The dosage will be increased after 2 weeks and again after 4 weeks. At 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after starting the treatment and 2 weeks after the last dose, patients will have blood drawn to check for possible side effects of therapy. Women will have a repeat urine pregnancy test at week 6 of treatment. Within a week before completing treatment or after completing treatment, patients will return to NIH for a history, physical examination, blood tests and CT scan. Patients who responded well to treatment will be offered to return to NIH again 3, 6 and 12 months later to repeat the evaluations. If ALPS symptoms recur during this time, patients will be offered another 12-week course of Fansidar and the procedure, including the 3, 6 and 12-month evaluations will be repeated again. If symptoms recur again, patients will be asked to resume Fansidar for 6 months or longer, with doses adjusted as needed. During this time, patients will be seen at NIH every 12 weeks for evaluation and blood will be drawn by the patient's private physician every 6 weeks or 2 and 4 weeks after the dose is increased to check for side effects.
>Trial ID>Title>Status>Phase>Start Date>Summary
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries

Clinical Trial Conditions for FANSIDAR

Condition Name

1554200246810121416MalariaMalaria in PregnancyPregnancyUncomplicated Malaria[disabled in preview]
Condition Name for FANSIDAR
Intervention Trials
Malaria 15
Malaria in Pregnancy 5
Pregnancy 4
Uncomplicated Malaria 2
[disabled in preview] 0
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Condition MeSH

2652200510152025MalariaMalaria, FalciparumAutoimmune Lymphoproliferative SyndromeAutoimmune Diseases[disabled in preview]
Condition MeSH for FANSIDAR
Intervention Trials
Malaria 26
Malaria, Falciparum 5
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome 2
Autoimmune Diseases 2
[disabled in preview] 0
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Clinical Trial Locations for FANSIDAR

Trials by Country

Trials by Country for FANSIDAR
Location Trials
Kenya 8
Tanzania 7
Uganda 3
Malawi 3
Benin 2
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Trials by US State

Trials by US State for FANSIDAR
Location Trials
Maryland 2
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Clinical Trial Progress for FANSIDAR

Clinical Trial Phase

30.8%34.6%11.5%23.1%03456789Phase 4Phase 3Phase 2/Phase 3[disabled in preview]
Clinical Trial Phase for FANSIDAR
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Phase 4 8
Phase 3 9
Phase 2/Phase 3 3
[disabled in preview] 6
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Clinical Trial Status

68.7%12.5%12.5%6.3%0024681012141618202224CompletedUnknown statusTerminated[disabled in preview]
Clinical Trial Status for FANSIDAR
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Completed 22
Unknown status 4
Terminated 4
[disabled in preview] 2
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Clinical Trial Sponsors for FANSIDAR

Sponsor Name

trials0246810121416London School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineRadboud UniversityKilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tanzania[disabled in preview]
Sponsor Name for FANSIDAR
Sponsor Trials
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 15
Radboud University 6
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tanzania 5
[disabled in preview] 10
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Sponsor Type

91.2%00102030405060708090100OtherU.S. FedIndustry[disabled in preview]
Sponsor Type for FANSIDAR
Sponsor Trials
Other 93
U.S. Fed 4
Industry 3
[disabled in preview] 2
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Fansidar: Clinical Trials, Market Analysis, and Projections


Fansidar, a combination of sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine, is an antimalarial drug that has been in use for several decades. This article will delve into the clinical trials, market analysis, and projections for Fansidar, providing a comprehensive overview of its current status and future outlook.

Clinical Trials and Safety Profile

Historical Context and Adverse Reactions

Fansidar has been associated with severe cutaneous adverse reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, particularly in patients with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS[1].

  • A notable case involved an HIV-infected patient who developed a fatal cutaneous adverse reaction after taking Fansidar for prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)[1].

Comparative Studies

A randomized double-blind study compared the side effects of long-term chemoprophylaxis with Fansidar versus chloroquine. The study found that while both drugs had side effects, gastrointestinal disorders were more common in the Fansidar group, and insomnia was more prevalent in the chloroquine group. However, the study concluded that both drugs were generally well-tolerated over a period of 6 to 22 months[3].

Ongoing and Future Studies

There are ongoing efforts to evaluate the efficacy and safety of various antimalarial drugs, including Fansidar, in different patient populations. For instance, a multicenter, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study was scheduled to compare the efficacy and safety of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, Fansidar, and aerosolized pentamidine for PCP prophylaxis in AIDS patients[1].

Market Analysis

Global Market Size and Growth

The global antimalarial drugs market, which includes Fansidar, is projected to grow significantly in the coming years. As of 2023, the market size was valued at approximately USD 877.59 million and is expected to reach USD 1,202.21 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 4.6%[2].

Regional Market Dynamics

The Asia-Pacific region is expected to be the fastest-growing market for antimalarial drugs, while Europe remains the largest market. This growth is driven by the high burden of malaria in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa and the increasing demand for effective treatments[2][5].

Key Players and Market Strategies

Major players in the antimalarial drugs market include Novartis AG, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Pfizer Inc., Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline plc, and Cipla Inc. These companies are engaged in new product development, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic alliances to expand their market share. For example, Novartis and Medicines for Malaria Venture are progressing with a Phase 3 clinical trial for a new lumefantrine/ganaplacide-SDF combination[2][5].

Mechanism of Action and Efficacy

Pharmacological Mechanism

Fansidar works as a folic acid antagonist, with sulfadoxine inhibiting dihydropteroate synthase and pyrimethamine inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase. This dual action is effective against the asexual erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum, including strains resistant to chloroquine[4].

Clinical Efficacy

The drug has been shown to be effective in preventing and treating malaria, although its use is limited by the risk of severe side effects. The efficacy of Fansidar is particularly noted in areas where chloroquine resistance is high[4].

Side Effects and Contraindications

Common Side Effects

Common side effects of Fansidar include gastrointestinal disorders, skin rashes, and visual disturbances. More severe reactions, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, can occur, especially in vulnerable populations[1][3].


Fansidar is contraindicated in patients with a history of severe cutaneous adverse reactions, during pregnancy unless the benefits outweigh the risks, and in infants under 2 months due to inadequate development of the glucuronide-forming enzyme system[4].

Market Projections and Future Outlook

Market Growth Drivers

The growth of the antimalarial drugs market, including Fansidar, is driven by several factors:

  • The persistent high global burden of malaria.
  • Continuous efforts to develop innovative treatments.
  • Regulatory approvals for novel antimalarial drugs.
  • Initiatives for malaria control and elimination[2][5].

Challenges and Threats

Despite the growth potential, the market faces several challenges, including:

  • Resistance to existing antimalarial drugs.
  • Severe side effects associated with certain drugs like Fansidar.
  • Regulatory hurdles and the need for ongoing safety monitoring[2][5].

Key Takeaways

  • Clinical Trials: Fansidar has been involved in various clinical trials to assess its safety and efficacy, highlighting the need for careful monitoring due to potential severe side effects.
  • Market Analysis: The global antimalarial drugs market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.6% from 2023 to 2030, driven by the high burden of malaria and the need for effective treatments.
  • Mechanism of Action: Fansidar acts as a folic acid antagonist, effective against Plasmodium falciparum, including chloroquine-resistant strains.
  • Side Effects and Contraindications: The drug is associated with severe cutaneous adverse reactions and has specific contraindications, particularly in pregnant women and infants.
  • Market Projections: The market is expected to grow, but faces challenges such as drug resistance and severe side effects.


Q: What are the common side effects of Fansidar?

A: Common side effects include gastrointestinal disorders, skin rashes, and visual disturbances. Severe reactions like Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis can also occur[1][3].

Q: Is Fansidar safe for use in pregnant women?

A: Fansidar should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. It has shown teratogenic effects in animal studies[4].

Q: How does Fansidar work against malaria?

A: Fansidar works as a folic acid antagonist, with sulfadoxine inhibiting dihydropteroate synthase and pyrimethamine inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase, effective against the asexual erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum[4].

Q: What is the projected market size of the antimalarial drugs market by 2030?

A: The global antimalarial drugs market is expected to reach a valuation of USD 1,202.21 million by 2030[2].

Q: Which region is expected to be the fastest-growing market for antimalarial drugs?

A: The Asia-Pacific region is expected to be the fastest-growing market for antimalarial drugs[2].


  1. CDC: Fansidar-Associated Fatal Reaction in an HIV-Infected Man - CDC.
  2. Custom Market Insights: Global Antimalarial Drugs Market Size, Trends, Share 2030.
  3. PubMed: Tolerability of long-term prophylaxis with fansidar.
  4. RxList: Fansidar (Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine): Side Effects, Uses ...
  5. Grand View Research: Anti-malarial Drugs Market Size, Share, Growth Report, 2030.

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