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505(b)(2) Clinical Trials for RIBAVIRIN

This table shows clinical trials for potential 505(b)(2) applications. See the next table for all clinical trials
Trial TypeTrial IDTitleStatusSponsorPhaseStart DateSummary
New Combination NCT01413490 ↗ Hepatitis C Rimantadine and Antiviral Combination Therapy Completed Cancer Research UK 2012-05-01 Hepatitis C virus is one of the leading causes of liver failure and liver cancer worldwide. Current treatment of hepatitis C infection is only successful in about half of those who are eligible. The current treatment aims to boost the host immune system but does not directly act on the virus. Many drugs are in various stages of development that target the virus directly - their specific mode of action is confirmed by showing the virus is forced to adapt in the presence of the drug. As with many viruses, treating with only one specific drug would quickly lead to the virus adapting and becoming resistant. We therefore need to find new combinations of directly acting drugs. Rimantadine has already been shown in the laboratory to target hepatitis C directly. We have designed this study to see if it happens in real life as well. If so, we could use rimantadine to help fight hepatitis c more effectively.
New Combination NCT01413490 ↗ Hepatitis C Rimantadine and Antiviral Combination Therapy Completed The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 2012-05-01 Hepatitis C virus is one of the leading causes of liver failure and liver cancer worldwide. Current treatment of hepatitis C infection is only successful in about half of those who are eligible. The current treatment aims to boost the host immune system but does not directly act on the virus. Many drugs are in various stages of development that target the virus directly - their specific mode of action is confirmed by showing the virus is forced to adapt in the presence of the drug. As with many viruses, treating with only one specific drug would quickly lead to the virus adapting and becoming resistant. We therefore need to find new combinations of directly acting drugs. Rimantadine has already been shown in the laboratory to target hepatitis C directly. We have designed this study to see if it happens in real life as well. If so, we could use rimantadine to help fight hepatitis c more effectively.
New Combination NCT00154869 ↗ Peginterferon Alfa-2a Plus Ribavirin for Chronic Hepatitis C/Hepatitis B Co-Infection and Chronic Hepatitis C Unknown status Hoffmann-La Roche Phase 3 2004-06-01 The investigators' pilot study indicates that hepatitis C virus (HCV)- and hepatitis B virus (HBV)-coinfected patients with predominantly active hepatitis C and those with predominantly active hepatitis B may need different anti-viral regimens. Since in the majority of these coinfected patients the hepatitis activity is more likely due to HCV than to HBV, the optimal therapeutic regimen for HCV- and HBV-coinfected patients with predominantly active hepatitis C will first be investigated. The combination therapy using pegylated interferons (IFNs) such as PEG-IFN alfa-2a has been shown to have a superior efficacy than that using conventional IFN in the treatment of monoinfected chronic hepatitis C. This new combination therapy might also further enhance the treatment efficacy in HCV- and HBV- coinfected patients. The investigators therefore propose to initiate a trial comparing the efficacy of pegylated IFN plus ribavirin (RBV) in dual chronic hepatitis B and C versus that in chronic hepatitis C only, for both HCV genotype 1 and 2/3 patients. The efficacy using a 24-week combination therapy in the sustained clearance of serum HCV RNA is equivalent to that using a 48-week combination therapy in patients with HCV genotype non-1 [Hadziyannis et al, EASL 2002]. A 48-week course of pegylated IFN and RBV combination therapy, in contrast, has been shown to yield a better efficacy in the sustained clearance of serum HCV RNA in patients with HCV genotype 1 than a 24-week combination therapy in western countries [Hadziyannis et al, EASL 2002; Poynard et al, 1998]. The primary objective of the current proposal is to investigate and compare the efficacy of combination therapy using pegylated IFN plus RBV on the clearance of serum HCV RNA in both dually infected patients with a dominant HCV infection and HCV monoinfected patients. Therefore, in this proposal, the treatment duration will be 24 weeks for HCV genotype 2/3 in patients with dual chronic hepatitis C and B and in patients with monoinfected HCV, and will be 48 weeks for HCV genotype 1 in patients with dual chronic hepatitis C and B and in patients with monoinfected HCV.
New Combination NCT00154869 ↗ Peginterferon Alfa-2a Plus Ribavirin for Chronic Hepatitis C/Hepatitis B Co-Infection and Chronic Hepatitis C Unknown status National Taiwan University Hospital Phase 3 2004-06-01 The investigators' pilot study indicates that hepatitis C virus (HCV)- and hepatitis B virus (HBV)-coinfected patients with predominantly active hepatitis C and those with predominantly active hepatitis B may need different anti-viral regimens. Since in the majority of these coinfected patients the hepatitis activity is more likely due to HCV than to HBV, the optimal therapeutic regimen for HCV- and HBV-coinfected patients with predominantly active hepatitis C will first be investigated. The combination therapy using pegylated interferons (IFNs) such as PEG-IFN alfa-2a has been shown to have a superior efficacy than that using conventional IFN in the treatment of monoinfected chronic hepatitis C. This new combination therapy might also further enhance the treatment efficacy in HCV- and HBV- coinfected patients. The investigators therefore propose to initiate a trial comparing the efficacy of pegylated IFN plus ribavirin (RBV) in dual chronic hepatitis B and C versus that in chronic hepatitis C only, for both HCV genotype 1 and 2/3 patients. The efficacy using a 24-week combination therapy in the sustained clearance of serum HCV RNA is equivalent to that using a 48-week combination therapy in patients with HCV genotype non-1 [Hadziyannis et al, EASL 2002]. A 48-week course of pegylated IFN and RBV combination therapy, in contrast, has been shown to yield a better efficacy in the sustained clearance of serum HCV RNA in patients with HCV genotype 1 than a 24-week combination therapy in western countries [Hadziyannis et al, EASL 2002; Poynard et al, 1998]. The primary objective of the current proposal is to investigate and compare the efficacy of combination therapy using pegylated IFN plus RBV on the clearance of serum HCV RNA in both dually infected patients with a dominant HCV infection and HCV monoinfected patients. Therefore, in this proposal, the treatment duration will be 24 weeks for HCV genotype 2/3 in patients with dual chronic hepatitis C and B and in patients with monoinfected HCV, and will be 48 weeks for HCV genotype 1 in patients with dual chronic hepatitis C and B and in patients with monoinfected HCV.
>Trial Type>Trial ID>Title>Status>Phase>Start Date>Summary
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries

All Clinical Trials for RIBAVIRIN

Trial IDTitleStatusSponsorPhaseStart DateSummary
NCT00000699 ↗ A Phase I/II Trial of Ribavirin (With Escalation) + Isoprinosine in Asymptomatic HIV-Viremic Patients Completed National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Phase 1 1969-12-31 To determine the safety and effectiveness of treatment with ribavirin (RBV) plus isoprinosine (INPX) in preventing the development of AIDS in patients infected with the AIDS virus (HIV). Also to determine the maximal dose of RBV that can be tolerated by HIV-infected patients when RBV is given with INPX. The patients may or may not have generalized lymphadenopathy syndrome (LAS). RBV has prevented the development of AIDS in some HIV-infected patients with LAS and INPX has stimulated the immune system of patients infected with HIV. The immune system fights infections in the human body, and the HIV attacks T cells that are an important part of the immune system. Reports from individual cases treated with both RBV and INPX suggest that clinical improvements occurred in HIV-infected patients, but there is no reliable information on the safety and effectiveness of this drug combination in such patients.
NCT00000733 ↗ Phase I Pharmacokinetic and Tolerance Study of Ribavirin in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - Infected Patients Completed National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Phase 1 1969-12-31 To determine how fast ribavirin reaches the bloodstream, what concentration of ribavirin is reached in blood and how long it remains in the blood (pharmacokinetics) when given by different routes of administration. To find the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of ribavirin. The effects of ribavirin on the immune system, and on the virus will be measured by T4 cell count and p24 antigen levels. Early studies with ribavirin in patients with AIDS and AIDS related complex (ARC) have shown that ribavirin appears to inhibit the spread of the virus. Determination of how much and how often to give the drug will require further knowledge of the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of the drug in patients with AIDS or ARC and in chronic virus carriers who do not have symptoms.
NCT00000772 ↗ A Phase I Open-Label Study of the Safety, Tolerance, and Pharmacokinetic Interactions of Combination Didanosine and Ribavirin in HIV-Positive Individuals Completed Bristol-Myers Squibb Phase 1 1969-12-31 To evaluate the safety and tolerance of concurrent administration of standard-dose didanosine (ddI) with low-dose ribavirin in HIV-positive patients. To determine the pharmacokinetic interactions of concurrent administration of ddI and ribavirin and correlate pharmacokinetic parameters with toxicity. To investigate antiviral activity of the combined regimen. Combination ddI/ribavirin therapy, if safe and effective, offers an alternative combination antiretroviral regimen for patients unable to tolerate regimens containing zidovudine (AZT).
NCT00000772 ↗ A Phase I Open-Label Study of the Safety, Tolerance, and Pharmacokinetic Interactions of Combination Didanosine and Ribavirin in HIV-Positive Individuals Completed ICN Pharmaceuticals Phase 1 1969-12-31 To evaluate the safety and tolerance of concurrent administration of standard-dose didanosine (ddI) with low-dose ribavirin in HIV-positive patients. To determine the pharmacokinetic interactions of concurrent administration of ddI and ribavirin and correlate pharmacokinetic parameters with toxicity. To investigate antiviral activity of the combined regimen. Combination ddI/ribavirin therapy, if safe and effective, offers an alternative combination antiretroviral regimen for patients unable to tolerate regimens containing zidovudine (AZT).
NCT00000772 ↗ A Phase I Open-Label Study of the Safety, Tolerance, and Pharmacokinetic Interactions of Combination Didanosine and Ribavirin in HIV-Positive Individuals Completed National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Phase 1 1969-12-31 To evaluate the safety and tolerance of concurrent administration of standard-dose didanosine (ddI) with low-dose ribavirin in HIV-positive patients. To determine the pharmacokinetic interactions of concurrent administration of ddI and ribavirin and correlate pharmacokinetic parameters with toxicity. To investigate antiviral activity of the combined regimen. Combination ddI/ribavirin therapy, if safe and effective, offers an alternative combination antiretroviral regimen for patients unable to tolerate regimens containing zidovudine (AZT).
>Trial ID>Title>Status>Phase>Start Date>Summary
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries

Clinical Trial Conditions for RIBAVIRIN

Condition Name

293222196490050100150200250300Hepatitis CHepatitis C, ChronicChronic Hepatitis CHepatitis C Virus[disabled in preview]
Condition Name for RIBAVIRIN
Intervention Trials
Hepatitis C 293
Hepatitis C, Chronic 222
Chronic Hepatitis C 196
Hepatitis C Virus 49
[disabled in preview] 0
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Condition MeSH

90382369356000100200300400500600700800900Hepatitis CHepatitisHepatitis AHepatitis C, Chronic[disabled in preview]
Condition MeSH for RIBAVIRIN
Intervention Trials
Hepatitis C 903
Hepatitis 823
Hepatitis A 693
Hepatitis C, Chronic 560
[disabled in preview] 0
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Clinical Trial Locations for RIBAVIRIN

Trials by Country

Trials by Country for RIBAVIRIN
Location Trials
Canada 372
Brazil 77
New Zealand 73
Taiwan 67
Belgium 65
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Trials by US State

Trials by US State for RIBAVIRIN
Location Trials
Texas 241
California 240
New York 207
Florida 183
Maryland 170
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Clinical Trial Progress for RIBAVIRIN

Clinical Trial Phase

23.8%32.2%39.8%050100150200250300350Phase 4Phase 3Phase 2/Phase 3[disabled in preview]
Clinical Trial Phase for RIBAVIRIN
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Phase 4 201
Phase 3 272
Phase 2/Phase 3 36
[disabled in preview] 336
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Clinical Trial Status

76.7%8.5%8.4%6.5%00100200300400500600700800CompletedUnknown statusTerminated[disabled in preview]
Clinical Trial Status for RIBAVIRIN
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Completed 770
Unknown status 85
Terminated 84
[disabled in preview] 65
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Clinical Trial Sponsors for RIBAVIRIN

Sponsor Name

trials0102030405060708090100110120Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.Hoffmann-La RocheGilead Sciences[disabled in preview]
Sponsor Name for RIBAVIRIN
Sponsor Trials
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 118
Hoffmann-La Roche 95
Gilead Sciences 76
[disabled in preview] 99
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Sponsor Type

47.3%46.3%00100200300400500600700800OtherIndustryNIH[disabled in preview]
Sponsor Type for RIBAVIRIN
Sponsor Trials
Other 772
Industry 756
NIH 80
[disabled in preview] 25
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Ribavirin: Clinical Trials, Market Analysis, and Projections


Ribavirin is a nucleoside analogue antiviral drug widely used in the treatment of various viral infections, including hepatitis C, viral hemorrhagic fevers, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections. This article provides an update on the clinical trials, market analysis, and projections for ribavirin.

Clinical Trials and Efficacy

Lassa Fever Treatment

One of the significant clinical applications of ribavirin is in the treatment of Lassa fever, a viral hemorrhagic fever prevalent in West Africa. Studies have shown that ribavirin, when used in conjunction with supportive therapy, can significantly improve patient outcomes. A retrospective analysis of 152 Lassa fever cases treated with ribavirin demonstrated that patients typically clear the virus within 3-4 weeks of hospitalization. The cycle threshold (Ct) value on admission was found to have prognostic value, with lower Ct values associated with higher mortality rates[1][4].

Hepatitis C Treatment

Ribavirin is also used in combination with interferon drugs to treat hepatitis C. However, its efficacy has been subject to reevaluation due to methodological deficits in earlier trials. Despite these concerns, ribavirin remains a standard component of hepatitis C treatment regimens, particularly for patients who have not previously received interferon therapy[3].

Market Analysis

Global Market Size and Growth

The ribavirin market is projected to experience significant growth over the next few years. According to market research, the global ribavirin market is expected to reach $1.02 billion by 2032, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.44%[2].

Regional Market Dynamics

North America currently dominates the ribavirin market due to the presence of major pharmaceutical companies, high disposable income, and well-developed healthcare infrastructure. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow rapidly during the forecast period, driven by increasing research and development activities and rising government support[3].

Application and End-User Segmentation

Ribavirin is used across various applications, including the treatment of hepatitis C, viral hemorrhagic fevers, bronchiolitis, and respiratory syncytial virus infections. The market is segmented by formulation (oral, injectable, inhalation), distribution channels (hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, online pharmacies), and end-users (hospitals, clinics, homecare)[2][3].

Market Drivers and Challenges


  • Increasing Incidence of Chronic Hepatitis C: The global rise in chronic hepatitis C cases is a major driver of the ribavirin market.
  • Rising Healthcare Expenditure: Increased healthcare spending in various regions is contributing to the market growth.
  • Government Initiatives and Awareness: Growing government initiatives and public awareness about viral diseases are boosting the demand for ribavirin.
  • Research and Development: Ongoing clinical trials and research activities are expanding the potential applications of ribavirin[3].


  • Side Effects: Ribavirin can cause severe anemia, necessitating dose adjustments in some patients.
  • Methodological Concerns: Previous clinical trials have been criticized for methodological deficits, which has raised questions about the drug's efficacy in certain contexts[1][3].

Projections and Future Outlook

Market Growth Projections

The ribavirin market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.40% from 2022 to 2029, driven by the factors mentioned above. The market is anticipated to benefit from emerging new markets, increasing research and development activities, and improving healthcare infrastructure[3].

Emerging Markets

Asia-Pacific is expected to be a key growth region due to increasing research activities and government support. The rise in disposable income, changing lifestyles, and rapid urbanization in this region will also contribute to market growth[3].

Patient Epidemiology and Impact

Disease Epidemiology

The rise in the incidence of chronic hepatitis C and other viral infections is driving the demand for ribavirin. The drug's effectiveness in reducing the case fatality rate (CFR) in Lassa fever patients, as evidenced by lower Ct values and improved clinical outcomes, underscores its importance in public health[1][4].

Clinical Implications

The kinetics of viral load in patients treated with ribavirin have significant implications for clinical case management and future clinical trial protocols. Monitoring Ct values and adjusting treatment regimens accordingly can improve patient outcomes and inform the development of more effective treatment strategies[1][4].

Key Takeaways

  • Clinical Efficacy: Ribavirin is effective in treating Lassa fever and hepatitis C, with patients typically clearing the virus within 3-4 weeks of treatment.
  • Market Growth: The global ribavirin market is projected to grow significantly, driven by increasing healthcare expenditure, government initiatives, and rising incidence of viral infections.
  • Regional Dynamics: North America and Asia-Pacific are key regions driving market growth due to their advanced healthcare infrastructure and increasing research activities.
  • Challenges: Methodological concerns and side effects like severe anemia need to be addressed to optimize the use of ribavirin.


What is the primary use of ribavirin in clinical settings?

Ribavirin is primarily used to treat viral infections such as hepatitis C, Lassa fever, and respiratory syncytial virus infections.

How effective is ribavirin in treating Lassa fever?

Ribavirin, when used with supportive therapy, can significantly reduce the case fatality rate in Lassa fever patients, with survivors typically clearing the virus within 3-4 weeks of hospitalization[1][4].

What are the major drivers of the ribavirin market?

The major drivers include the increasing incidence of chronic hepatitis C, rising healthcare expenditure, government initiatives, and ongoing research and development activities[3].

What are the potential side effects of ribavirin?

Ribavirin can cause severe anemia, necessitating dose adjustments in some patients[3].

Which regions are expected to drive the growth of the ribavirin market?

North America and the Asia-Pacific region are expected to be key drivers of market growth due to their advanced healthcare infrastructure and increasing research activities[3].


  1. Virus Load Kinetics in Lassa Fever Patients Treated With Ribavirin - Oxford University Press
  2. Ribavirin Market Size, Growth, Trends Report 2032 - Market Research Future
  3. Global Ribavirin Market - Industry Trends and Forecast to 2029 - Data Bridge Market Research
  4. Virus Load Kinetics in Lassa Fever Patients Treated With Ribavirin - PubMed
  5. Ribavirin (CAS 36791-04-5) Market Research 2024 - News Channel Nebraska

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