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All Clinical Trials for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate

Trial ID Title Status Sponsor Phase Start Date Summary
NCT05999955 ↗ Safety and Efficacy of DSM 32444 Postbiotic in the Treatment of Acute Rhinosinusitis Completed Vietstar Biomedical Research N/A 2022-12-29 Rhinitis is a type of upper respiratory infection with a common nasal pathology especially in Southeast Asia, which is characterized by the presence of one or more of the following symptoms: itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion. Other symptoms occasionally experienced include headache, excessive pain reaction, cough, fever. Rhinitis can be idiopathic or due to a variety of causes, including allergens, medications, endocrine/metabolic, infectious, inflammatory, and abnormal nasal structures. The treatment of acute rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis in hospitals is currently carried out according to the general professional guidance of the Vietnam Ministry of Health. Most patients are prescribed corticosteroids, antihistamines, and antibiotics for immediate decongestion and anti-inflammatory effects. Current concerns about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as well as side effects of corticosteroids and antihistamines have led to an urgent need for a naturebased next generation therapeutic approach that is safe, effective and helps in addressing the issues of AMR. The goal of this interventional study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of postbiotic nasal spray using inert bioparticles of Bacillus subtilis DSM32444 in treatment of acute rhinosinusitis; and to compare the efficacy against Neomycin/Dexamethasone//Xylometazoline administered as a nasal spray as an adjunct to Amoxicillin/Clavulanate standard treatment in patients with acute rhinosinusitis. Patients with acute rhinosinusitis who give consent to participate in the study will be randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to one of two groups using postbiotic of Bacillus subtilis DSM32444 nasal spray ("Sperovid") or Neomycin/ Dexamethasone nasal spray for a period of 10 days. Investigators will compare whether the nasal spray using postbiotic Bacillus subtilis DSM32444 has similar efficacy as compared to Neomycin/Dexamethasone/Xylometazoline nasal spray as an adjuvant therapy along with the standard Amoxicillin/Clavulanate regimen in patients with acute rhinosinusitis based on time to improvement of rhinosinusitis symptoms.
NCT05999955 ↗ Safety and Efficacy of DSM 32444 Postbiotic in the Treatment of Acute Rhinosinusitis Completed Huro Biotech Joint Stock Company N/A 2022-12-29 Rhinitis is a type of upper respiratory infection with a common nasal pathology especially in Southeast Asia, which is characterized by the presence of one or more of the following symptoms: itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion. Other symptoms occasionally experienced include headache, excessive pain reaction, cough, fever. Rhinitis can be idiopathic or due to a variety of causes, including allergens, medications, endocrine/metabolic, infectious, inflammatory, and abnormal nasal structures. The treatment of acute rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis in hospitals is currently carried out according to the general professional guidance of the Vietnam Ministry of Health. Most patients are prescribed corticosteroids, antihistamines, and antibiotics for immediate decongestion and anti-inflammatory effects. Current concerns about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as well as side effects of corticosteroids and antihistamines have led to an urgent need for a naturebased next generation therapeutic approach that is safe, effective and helps in addressing the issues of AMR. The goal of this interventional study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of postbiotic nasal spray using inert bioparticles of Bacillus subtilis DSM32444 in treatment of acute rhinosinusitis; and to compare the efficacy against Neomycin/Dexamethasone//Xylometazoline administered as a nasal spray as an adjunct to Amoxicillin/Clavulanate standard treatment in patients with acute rhinosinusitis. Patients with acute rhinosinusitis who give consent to participate in the study will be randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to one of two groups using postbiotic of Bacillus subtilis DSM32444 nasal spray ("Sperovid") or Neomycin/ Dexamethasone nasal spray for a period of 10 days. Investigators will compare whether the nasal spray using postbiotic Bacillus subtilis DSM32444 has similar efficacy as compared to Neomycin/Dexamethasone/Xylometazoline nasal spray as an adjuvant therapy along with the standard Amoxicillin/Clavulanate regimen in patients with acute rhinosinusitis based on time to improvement of rhinosinusitis symptoms.
>Trial ID >Title >Status >Phase >Start Date >Summary

Clinical Trial Conditions for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate

Condition Name

Condition Name for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate
Intervention Trials
Rhinosinusitis 1
Rhinitis 1
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Condition MeSH

Condition MeSH for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate
Intervention Trials
Rhinitis 1
Sinusitis 1
Rhinosinusitis 1
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Clinical Trial Locations for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate

Trials by Country

Trials by Country for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate
Location Trials
Vietnam 1
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Clinical Trial Progress for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate

Clinical Trial Phase

Clinical Trial Phase for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
N/A 1
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Clinical Trial Status

Clinical Trial Status for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Completed 1
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Clinical Trial Sponsors for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate

Sponsor Name

Sponsor Name for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate
Sponsor Trials
Vietstar Biomedical Research 1
Huro Biotech Joint Stock Company 1
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Sponsor Type

Sponsor Type for neomycin sulfate; prednisolone sodium phosphate
Sponsor Trials
Industry 2
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