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All Clinical Trials for orphenadrine hydrochloride

Trial ID Title Status Sponsor Phase Start Date Summary
NCT01263652 ↗ Patient Preferences, Analgesic Delivery Method and Pain Reduction in Spine Patients Withdrawn Western Galilee Hospital-Nahariya N/A 2010-12-31 The investigators will conduct a randomized double blind study, to determine whether patient analgesic delivery mode preference affects pain reduction quality in non-surgical spine patients. The patients will receive both intra-muscular and oral non-narcotic analgesics and placebo. During the study period, pain reduction parameters will be collected. At the end of the study period, the investigators will attempt to find a correlation between pre-study patient preferences and the quality of the pain reduction achieved.
NCT02423395 ↗ Study of Orphenadrine' in the Treatment of Muscle Cramps in Patients With Cirrhosis Recruiting Tanta University Phase 3 2015-01-01 Muscle cramps are common in patients with liver disease and associated with significantly diminished quality of life. Patients with cirrhosis often experience muscle cramps with varied frequency and severity. The exact mechanisms by which they occur remain unclear, although a number of pathophysiological events unique to liver disease may contribute. Clinical studies have identified alterations in 3 areas: nerve function, energy metabolism, and plasma volume/electrolytes (1) Orphenadrine is an anticholinergic drug with prominent central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral actions used to treat painful muscle spasms and other similar conditions. The combination of anticholinergic effects and CNS penetration make orphenadrine useful for pain of all etiologies, including from: radiculopathy, muscles, and headaches. [3,4]
NCT02423395 ↗ Study of Orphenadrine' in the Treatment of Muscle Cramps in Patients With Cirrhosis Recruiting Sherief Abd-Elsalam Phase 3 2015-01-01 Muscle cramps are common in patients with liver disease and associated with significantly diminished quality of life. Patients with cirrhosis often experience muscle cramps with varied frequency and severity. The exact mechanisms by which they occur remain unclear, although a number of pathophysiological events unique to liver disease may contribute. Clinical studies have identified alterations in 3 areas: nerve function, energy metabolism, and plasma volume/electrolytes (1) Orphenadrine is an anticholinergic drug with prominent central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral actions used to treat painful muscle spasms and other similar conditions. The combination of anticholinergic effects and CNS penetration make orphenadrine useful for pain of all etiologies, including from: radiculopathy, muscles, and headaches. [3,4]
>Trial ID >Title >Status >Phase >Start Date >Summary

Clinical Trial Conditions for orphenadrine hydrochloride

Condition Name

Condition Name for orphenadrine hydrochloride
Intervention Trials
Pain, Postoperative 2
Colon Cancer 1
Liver Cirrhosis 1
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Condition MeSH

Condition MeSH for orphenadrine hydrochloride
Intervention Trials
Low Back Pain 2
Back Pain 2
Pain, Postoperative 2
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Clinical Trial Locations for orphenadrine hydrochloride

Trials by Country

Trials by Country for orphenadrine hydrochloride
Location Trials
United States 3
Egypt 3
Israel 1
Austria 1
Puerto Rico 1
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Trials by US State

Trials by US State for orphenadrine hydrochloride
Location Trials
Illinois 1
New York 1
Florida 1
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Clinical Trial Progress for orphenadrine hydrochloride

Clinical Trial Phase

Clinical Trial Phase for orphenadrine hydrochloride
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Phase 4 5
Phase 3 2
N/A 4
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Clinical Trial Status

Clinical Trial Status for orphenadrine hydrochloride
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Completed 4
Unknown status 3
Recruiting 2
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Clinical Trial Sponsors for orphenadrine hydrochloride

Sponsor Name

Sponsor Name for orphenadrine hydrochloride
Sponsor Trials
Montefiore Medical Center 2
Transdermal Therapeutics, Inc. 1
Western Galilee Hospital-Nahariya 1
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Sponsor Type

Sponsor Type for orphenadrine hydrochloride
Sponsor Trials
Other 16
Industry 4
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