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All Clinical Trials for protein hydrolysate

Trial ID Title Status Sponsor Phase Start Date Summary
NCT00711087 ↗ Botox-A Injection to Improve Bladder Function in Early Spinal Cord Injury (#H-20344) Terminated U.S. Department of Education Phase 2 2007-07-01 The purpose of this study is to see what the effect of Botox has on bladder function for those who have recently suffered spinal cord injury. We also will study bladder tissue levels of NGF (nerve growth factor) that can tell us how the nerves to the bladder are healing after injury. Consenting male and female cervical and high thoracic (T10 and above) SCI patients will be identified within the first 6-7 weeks after SCI and randomized to two external urethral sphincter injection groups. Each group will be injected within 8 weeks after SCI (Day 0) and 3 months later (Day 90). The injection paradigm will consist of: Group 1-100 units of BTX-A (Botox®, Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA) on Day 0 and 100 units of BTX-A on Day 90; Group 2-sham saline injections on both Day 0 and Day 90. Injections will be performed under local anesthesia using standard flexible cystoscopic equipment. Use of placebo is justified because: 1. there have been documentation of nerve desensitization with dry needling (i.e. acupuncture) and wet needling (i.e. saline)--therefore, to truly demonstrate benefit of Botox over just the needle insertion into the sphincter muscle or injection of the diluent saline, a sham saline injection group is included, 2. the injection procedure itself is minimally invasive and not expected to result in any complications. Subjects who qualify and have signed the informed consent document will be randomized into two groups, those receiving the BTX-A and those receiving placebo. Blinding will be performed by the TIRR pharmacy department who will provide Botox and placebo in identical syringes so that the treating staff will be blinded. Pharmacists will ensure patients receive the same agent at the time of the second injection. Unblinding will occur at the end of the study or if complications necessitate breaking of the code. Both groups will undergo urodynamic testing to document before and after treatment data. Bladder biopsies will be taken prior to treatment in both groups that will be analyzed for nerve growth factor. Three day voiding diaries will be kept and reviewed with the study coordinator at the follow up visits. Quality of life questionnaires will be completed at each follow up visit. The treatments will take place on Day 0 and Day 90. Follow up visits will occur at Day 120, 16 month, and 28 months.
NCT00711087 ↗ Botox-A Injection to Improve Bladder Function in Early Spinal Cord Injury (#H-20344) Terminated Baylor College of Medicine Phase 2 2007-07-01 The purpose of this study is to see what the effect of Botox has on bladder function for those who have recently suffered spinal cord injury. We also will study bladder tissue levels of NGF (nerve growth factor) that can tell us how the nerves to the bladder are healing after injury. Consenting male and female cervical and high thoracic (T10 and above) SCI patients will be identified within the first 6-7 weeks after SCI and randomized to two external urethral sphincter injection groups. Each group will be injected within 8 weeks after SCI (Day 0) and 3 months later (Day 90). The injection paradigm will consist of: Group 1-100 units of BTX-A (Botox®, Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA) on Day 0 and 100 units of BTX-A on Day 90; Group 2-sham saline injections on both Day 0 and Day 90. Injections will be performed under local anesthesia using standard flexible cystoscopic equipment. Use of placebo is justified because: 1. there have been documentation of nerve desensitization with dry needling (i.e. acupuncture) and wet needling (i.e. saline)--therefore, to truly demonstrate benefit of Botox over just the needle insertion into the sphincter muscle or injection of the diluent saline, a sham saline injection group is included, 2. the injection procedure itself is minimally invasive and not expected to result in any complications. Subjects who qualify and have signed the informed consent document will be randomized into two groups, those receiving the BTX-A and those receiving placebo. Blinding will be performed by the TIRR pharmacy department who will provide Botox and placebo in identical syringes so that the treating staff will be blinded. Pharmacists will ensure patients receive the same agent at the time of the second injection. Unblinding will occur at the end of the study or if complications necessitate breaking of the code. Both groups will undergo urodynamic testing to document before and after treatment data. Bladder biopsies will be taken prior to treatment in both groups that will be analyzed for nerve growth factor. Three day voiding diaries will be kept and reviewed with the study coordinator at the follow up visits. Quality of life questionnaires will be completed at each follow up visit. The treatments will take place on Day 0 and Day 90. Follow up visits will occur at Day 120, 16 month, and 28 months.
>Trial ID >Title >Status >Phase >Start Date >Summary

Clinical Trial Conditions for protein hydrolysate

Condition Name

Condition Name for protein hydrolysate
Intervention Trials
Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction Nos 1
Spinal Cord Injury 1
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Condition MeSH

Condition MeSH for protein hydrolysate
Intervention Trials
Spinal Cord Injuries 1
Wounds and Injuries 1
Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic 1
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Clinical Trial Locations for protein hydrolysate

Trials by Country

Trials by Country for protein hydrolysate
Location Trials
United States 1
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Trials by US State

Trials by US State for protein hydrolysate
Location Trials
Texas 1
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Clinical Trial Progress for protein hydrolysate

Clinical Trial Phase

Clinical Trial Phase for protein hydrolysate
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Phase 2 1
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Clinical Trial Status

Clinical Trial Status for protein hydrolysate
Clinical Trial Phase Trials
Terminated 1
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Clinical Trial Sponsors for protein hydrolysate

Sponsor Name

Sponsor Name for protein hydrolysate
Sponsor Trials
U.S. Department of Education 1
Baylor College of Medicine 1
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Sponsor Type

Sponsor Type for protein hydrolysate
Sponsor Trials
U.S. Fed 1
Other 1
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