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All Clinical Trials for radium ra-223 dichloride
Trial ID | Title | Status | Sponsor | Phase | Start Date | Summary |
NCT00699751 ↗ | A Phase III Study of Radium-223 Dichloride in Patients With Symptomatic Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer With Skeletal Metastases | Completed | Bayer | Phase 3 | 2008-06-01 | ALSYMPCA (ALpharadin in SYMPtomatic Prostate CAncer) is an international Phase III clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Radium-223 dichloride in patients with hormone refractory prostate cancer and skeletal metastases. |
NCT01516762 ↗ | Radium-223 Dichloride (BAY88-8223) in Castration-Resistant (Hormone-Refractory) Prostate Cancer Patients With Bone Metastases | No longer available | Bayer | 1969-12-31 | This study is a prospective, interventional, open-label, multi-center early access program for the use of Ra-223 Cl2 in HRPC/CRPC patients diagnosed with symptomatic bone metastasis and to collect additional short and long term safety data on the product. | |
NCT01618370 ↗ | Radium(223) Dichloride (Alpharadin) in Castration-Resistant (Hormone-Refractory) Prostate Cancer Patients With Bone Metastases | Completed | Bayer | Phase 3 | 2012-07-22 | This study is a prospective, interventional, open-label, multi-center early access program for the use of Ra-223 Cl2 in HRPC/CRPC (Hormone refractory prostate cancer / Castrate resistant prostate cancer) patients diagnosed with bone metastasis and to collect additional short and long term safety data on the product. |
NCT01810770 ↗ | Radium-223 Dichloride Asian Population Study in the Treatment of CRPC Patients With Bone Metastasis | Completed | Bayer | Phase 3 | 2013-03-26 | To evaluate the safety and efficacy (Overall survival [OS]) of multiple doses of Ra-223 dichloride in an Asian population of subjects with CRPC metastatic to the bone. |
NCT01833520 ↗ | Phase I Dose Escalation of Monthly Intravenous Ra-223 Dichloride in Osteosarcoma | Completed | Bayer | Phase 1/Phase 2 | 2013-10-16 | The goal of this clinical research study is to find the highest tolerable dose of radium-223 dichloride that can be given to patients with osteosarcoma. Radium-223 chloride is designed to work like radiation therapy in cells that are actively making bone. It is designed to target new bone growth in and around bone cancer and may kill cancer cells. |
NCT01833520 ↗ | Phase I Dose Escalation of Monthly Intravenous Ra-223 Dichloride in Osteosarcoma | Completed | M.D. Anderson Cancer Center | Phase 1/Phase 2 | 2013-10-16 | The goal of this clinical research study is to find the highest tolerable dose of radium-223 dichloride that can be given to patients with osteosarcoma. Radium-223 chloride is designed to work like radiation therapy in cells that are actively making bone. It is designed to target new bone growth in and around bone cancer and may kill cancer cells. |
NCT01934790 ↗ | Re-treatment Safety of Radium-223 Dichloride in Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer With Bone Metastases | Completed | Bayer | Phase 1/Phase 2 | 2013-12-22 | Eligible subjects must have completed 6 doses of treatment of radium-223 dichloride and experienced no radium-223 dichloride-related SAEs (serious adverse events) or CTCAE (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events) Grade 3 or 4 adverse event during or after the initial course of radium-223 dichloride that led to the discontinuation of treatment. 40 Subjects will be enrolled and will receive up to 6 doses of radium-223 dichloride 50 kBq/kg IV every 4 weeks. The subject will be evaluated for AEs (adverse events) and laboratory tests at each visit every 4 weeks, prior to receiving radium-223 dichloride. After the end of treatment visit the subjects will enter the active follow up period. Related AEs and SAEs and Lab tests will be evaluated at each visit every 4 weeks for the first 12 weeks, then every 12 weeks for up to 2 years after the last dose of radium-223 dichloride. After the 2 years of active follow-up, subjects will enter the long-term follow-up period and will be followed via telephone follow-up at 6-month intervals for late toxicities and survival up to 7 years after the last dose of radium-223 dichloride or until death. Joint safety reviews will regularly take place to oversee safety of the subjects conducted at regular intervals. An interim analysis of the safety data will be conducted during the study. |
>Trial ID | >Title | >Status | >Sponsor | >Phase | >Start Date | >Summary |
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