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All Clinical Trials for xofigo
Trial ID | Title | Status | Sponsor | Phase | Start Date | Summary |
NCT00667199 ↗ | BAY88-8223, Does Response Study in HRPC Patients | Completed | Bayer | Phase 2 | 2005-05-30 | The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the investigational radioisotope Radium-223, Xofigo (Alpharadin), in treatment of men with prostate cancer and bone metastases that no longer respond to hormonal treatment. |
NCT00667537 ↗ | PK in Pts With HRPC & Skeletal Metastes | Completed | Bayer | Phase 1 | 2007-07-01 | Primary objective: To investigate the biodistribution, radiation dosimetry, and pharmacokinetics of two separate intravenous (IV) injections of Xofigo (100 kBq/kg body weight [b.w.] [=110 kBq/kg based on the 2015 National Institute of Standards and Technology standardization], 6 weeks apart). Secondary objectives: To determine the safety of IV injections of Xofigo after two separate injections (6 weeks apart), to evaluate treatment response (antitumour effect in osteoblastic bone metastases) of Xofigo treatment consisting of two injections of activity 100 kBq/kg b.w. (=110 kBq/kg based on the 2015 National Institute of Standards and Technology standardization), 6 weeks apart and to evaluate long term radiation toxicity and to collect survival data at 6 and 12 months after the first injection |
NCT00748046 ↗ | Alpharadin™ (Radium-223 Chloride) Safety and Dosimetry With HRPC That Has Metastasized to the Skeleton | Completed | Bayer | Phase 1 | 2008-08-01 | The purpose of the study is to investigate the safety, biodistribution, radiation dosimetry and pharmacokinetics of three intravenous escalating dose levels of Xofigo (Alpharadin). |
NCT01070485 ↗ | BAY88-8223, Alpharadin, Breast Cancer Patients With Bone Dominant Disease | Completed | Bayer | Phase 2 | 2010-01-01 | The purpose of the study is to investigate if multiple (up to four) intravenous injections of Xofigo (Alpharadin) have any clinically relevant effect on bone markers in breast cancer patients with bone dominant disease who have progressed on endocrine therapy and are no longer considered suitable for endocrine therapy. In addition the safety of Xofigo (Alpharadin) will be assessed. |
NCT02097303 ↗ | Open Label Phase Two Trial of Radium Ra 223 Dichloride With Concurrent Administration of Abiraterone Acetate Plus Prednisone in Symptomatic Castration-Resistant (Hormone-Refractory) Prostate Cancer Subjects With Bone Metastasis | Completed | Bayer | Phase 2 | 2014-03-01 | This is an open label study designed to examine the effects on concurrent administration of Radium Ra 223 dichloride and Abiraterone Acetate plus Prednisone in subjects with symptomatic castrate resistant prostate cancer and with bone metastases, in both the pre- and post- chemotherapy setting. Both medications are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for this indication. |
>Trial ID | >Title | >Status | >Sponsor | >Phase | >Start Date | >Summary |
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