US Patents for PCT: WO2017/214470
Applicant | Tradename | Generic Name | Dosage | NDA | Approval Date | TE | Type | RLD | RS | Patent No. | Patent Expiration | Product | Substance | Delist Req. | Patented / Exclusive Use |
Progenics Pharms Inc | PYLARIFY | piflufolastat f-18 | SOLUTION;INTRAVENOUS | 214793-001 | May 26, 2021 | RX | Yes | Yes | ⤷ Subscribe | ⤷ Subscribe | Y | Y | METHOD OF POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY (PET) IN MEN WITH PROSTATE CANCER | ||
>Applicant | >Tradename | >Generic Name | >Dosage | >NDA | >Approval Date | >TE | >Type | >RLD | >RS | >Patent No. | >Patent Expiration | >Product | >Substance | >Delist Req. | >Patented / Exclusive Use |